exercises for a stroke-affected hand

To get a stroke-affected hand, especially a limp or acutely disabled one, to function again, there are exercises that can help. Here are a few:

•    Try to hold and grip a flimsy market bag with that affected hand. When you can, try to carry it across the room. When you can carry it, put a light object in, and then a heavier one, and so on.
•    Place the stroke-affected fingers around a vertical/horizontal closet handle. Try to open and close that closet with those disabled fingers.
•    Try to flick a light switch on and off with that stroke-affected hand.
•    Put a tube of toothpaste in the affected hand and then try to squeeze it while your toothbrush is held by the stroke-unaffected hand.
•    Try to pull laundry in or out of a clothes hamper or basket using the stroke-affected hand.

The above are not no-brainers like you may think them to be. I myself can accomplish 1 only sometimes. I am attempting now to execute 2 and 3 with my limp hand and fingers, with varied results. I haven’t even begun doing 4 and 5; I can’t yet, I surmise.


  1. more exercises for a stroke-affected hand @ https://one-handed-ilay.blogspot.com/2023/05/more-exercises-for-stroke-affected-hand.html


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