one-handed: Inception

I have been – at least, in my mind – among the pioneering Filipino bloggers. I had a Web log as far back as the early 1990s. Following that very first blog in ’92 or ’93, I have had numerous others over the decades. I was likewise in IRC, ICQ, Friendster, and MOG in their maiden days. I was in my late teens to early twenties then and was a staple Netizen. There weren't enough of us from the Philippines, I surmise.

Thus, in 2018, the third year of my medium-to-severe acute ischemic stroke, I thought to prowl the Internet/InterWebs once more. I had begun better-late-than-never Facebook and Instagram accounts in late 2017 (which I probably wouldn't have if I could still see my friends IRL), and I meandered around the notion of starting a Vlog that would be centered on my being a stroke survivor and endurer.

There was little to no work for freelance writers and for freelance creative managers/directors like myself during the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. I came across more time for personal writing. I made good on that stroke-centered Vlog idea in the latter portion of 2021. The first episode (Webisode) of my YouTube Vlog channel – "one-handed" – was published in 13 September of the year.

One-handed, the Vlog (or video log), divulges online my new journey through life - especially ordinary life - as a person with a new disability: the trials, errors, tribulations, coping mechanisms, depression, victories, bad days, good days, all of it (featuring, as it were, my one remaining writing/typing hand).

Last week, on the fourth week of June 2022, I commenced placing my stroke Vlog scheme into another platform. That brings us to this blog site – for "one-handed" – the blogging companion to my "one-handed" YouTube Vlog channel. So, here we are!

My name is Ilay. I come from the Philippines and have resided elsewhere in the globe a few times, or have at least visited. Hello there! Do come back for more stories enveloping the “one-handed” blog site on surviving and enduring a medium-to-severe acute thrombotic ischemic stroke.


  1. My very first blog page within the "one-handed" blog site, brought about by my new disability - an acute ischemic stroke that's a medium to severe type.

  2. Hello there! Do come back for more stroke stories...

  3. - farthest travel so far as a PWD, part 1 | one-handed ep34

  4. worst stroke arm pain; shoes I can wear | one-handed ep36 @

  5. "A reverberating letter to my stroke" @


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