A Brain Newly Sabotaged Amidst a Global Upheaval

A Brain Newly Sabotaged Amidst a Global Upheaval is my published story about my medium-to-severe acute ischemic stroke. The article, a product of a stroke-addled if still switched-on brain, was published in Transit Dialog on April 22, 2021, five years after the fact.

Here, an article excerpt:
Close to midnight, I awoke on the hospital floor, having fallen down. I stood up, tumbled again and couldn’t rise to my feet. I was, without realizing, in the midst of a stroke; of an insurgent, sluggish, medium to severe stroke. A major blood clot had formed someplace within my left brain. Three cranial nerves got damaged permanently.

And another article excerpt:
A bigger bother is the economy of my dysfunction. A freelance writer since 2012, I bade farewell in April to my last regular client. My stroke had dampened my paid work but the pandemic deadened it to almost null. This was grim! Since age 26, I have been the sole breadwinner of my family... How do we pull through?

The whole thing here: A Brain Newly Sabotaged Amidst a Global Upheaval at facebook.com/TransitDialogOnline/posts/265108901996723. Read with grace and compassion, always!


  1. Yes, well, my stroke-affected grey matter does still slave away spasmodically.

  2. About my farthest travel from home so far as a PWD: one-handed ep34 at https://youtu.be/UcFO9lPmEMY

  3. frugality, and favored Vlogs thus far - https://one-handed-ilay.blogspot.com/2022/07/frugality-and-favored-vlogs-thus-far.html


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