strokes: sorts & graveness

According to my own research (at hospitals and online), there look to be four known types of strokes thus far. These are the “transient ischemic attack” or “TIA” (called a “mini-stroke” in common parlance); “ischemic stroke”; “hemorrhagic stroke”; “brain stem stroke”. Any other stroke of a yet unknown cause would be lumped under the “cryptogenic stroke” label. A brain stem stroke would seem to be the rarest; whereas a hemorrhagic stroke would seem to be the deadliest.

There look to be two sub-types of an ischemic stroke. A “thrombotic ischemic stroke” is triggered when a blood clot builds up in an artery that supplies blood to the brain. An “embolic ischemic stroke” is provoked by a blood clot produced elsewhere in the body that proceeds to the brain through blood vessels.

An acute stroke - or also, a cerebrovascular accident, as neurologists are wont to call it – whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, gives rise to neurological damage. The damage is owing fundamentally to a loss of blood flow and of oxygen to the brain.

In terms of the gravity of the stroke, it can be any of mild, medium, or severe.

I myself have an acute thrombotic ischemic type of stroke that's in the medium to severe spectrum. Since my stroke has affected the entire right region of my body, which means my body is now imbalanced, I can no longer jog/run, go to the gym, or do yoga. I had needed to fabricate my own exercise routine depending on what my body can and can't accomplish!

Do you or does your loved one have a stroke? Do you know its kind and seriousness? Are you attempting to prevent one? I hope the above information has started you on your path to enlightenment on that stroke. Watch my Vlogs on and keep reading this blog at for more about strokes.


  1. A shout-out to all survivors and endurers of strokes, including my peeps who have suffered from and lived through an acute thrombotic ischemic stroke! A shout-out to all PWD out there!

  2. And a thumbs-up to the world's carers and doers!


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